Read more about the article DOCter
The DOCter is a versatile, portable system, accompanied with the Viking software, based on the impact-echo method.


The impact-echo method is based on monitoring the periodic arrival of reflected stress waves generated by a small mechanical impact. Unlike traditional ultrasonic pulse velocity testers that require access to both faces of a member and it is not possible to determine the depth to anomalies, DOCter requires access to only one face and is able to obtain information on the depth of internal flaws or the thickness of a solid member.

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Read more about the article VAKKA sensors
The VAKKA sensors are fully embedded, durable, and waterproof wireless monitoring devices used to measure the internal temperature and relative humidity of newly cast concrete up to a depth of 3 meters.

VAKKA sensors

The VAKKA sensors are fully embedded, durable, and waterproof wireless monitoring devices used to measure the internal temperature and relative humidity of newly cast concrete up to a depth of 3 meters.

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Read more about the article RapidAir
The RapidAir is an image analysis system for automatic and quick determination of the air void structure parameters in hardened concrete according to the linear traverse method (procedure A) or the point count method (procedure B) as per ASTM C457.


The RapidAir is an image analysis system for automatic and quick determination of the air void structure parameters in hardened concrete according to the linear traverse method (procedure A) or the point count method (procedure B) as per ASTM C457.

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Read more about the article Merlin
Merlin is used to measure the bulk electrical resistivity, or its inverse, the bulk electrical conductivity, of saturated specimens or cores according to ASTM C1876 “Standard Test Method for Bulk Electrical Resistivity or Bulk Conductivity of Concrete”.


Merlin is used to measure the bulk electrical resistivity, or its inverse, the bulk electrical conductivity, of saturated specimens or cores according to ASTM C1876 “Standard Test Method for Bulk Electrical Resistivity or Bulk Conductivity of Concrete”.

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Read more about the article RAT
The RAT (Rapid Alkali Test) is a portable kit that measures the amounts of sodium and potassium ions that contribute to deleterious alkali-silica reaction (ASR) if reactive aggregates are present in concrete.


The RAT (Rapid Alkali Test) is a portable kit that measures the amounts of sodium and potassium ions that contribute to deleterious alkali-silica reaction (ASR) if reactive aggregates are present in concrete.

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